Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School
June 3rd-7th, 9:00AM - Noon


Ages: Completed Kindergarten - 5th Grade
Enroll your child today using the form below.


Embark on an epic cruise from Genesis to Revelation. 
Prepare to swing into fun on the Great Jungle Journey.

Enrollment for VBS

Child Information

Parents & Address Information

Release & Liability

I hereby grant permission to First Baptist Church of Midwest City to record sounds, images, or video of my child(ren) while attending this VBS program. I also give permission for First Baptist Church of Midwest City at its sole discretion, to use these sounds, images, or video in publications (including print, websites, and social media platforms) owned by First Baptist Church of Midwest City in relation to this VBS program.

I, the undersigned, parent/guardian of the above named child(ren) do hereby release First Baptist Church of Midwest City and its representatives from liability from any illness, injury or mishap which may occur while my child(ren) is in attendance at any of the functions sponsored by the above named church. I, also give my consent and permission for emergency hospital or medical care deemed necessary for the health and welfare of my child(ren).

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