
Sermon Archive

Wednesday Bible Study - Romans 10:13-15

Trey Graham

May 3, 2023

Romans 10:13-15


Rebuilding Broken Walls - Nehemiah 1:!-4

Mark Walters

April 30, 2023

Rebuilding Broken Walls
Nehemiah 1:1-4

Rebuilding broken walls begins with a burdened heart.

Rebuilding broken walls is knowing God will provide the reasources.

Rebuilding broken walls means God's people see their personal responsibility.


Wednesday Bible Study- 2 Kings 6: 8-23

Raymond Melton

April 26, 2023

2 Kings 6: 8-23


Do You Believe Following Jesus is Worth It?- Luke 14:25-35

Trey Graham

April 23, 2023

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Luke 14:25-35

Do You Believe Following Jesus is Worth It?
Count the Cost and Follow Jesus

  1. Disciples Love the Lord
  2. Disciples Look Ahead
  3. Disciples Let Go of the World

What Are You Allowing to Corrode Your Walk with Christ?- Luke 14:1-24

Trey Graham

April 16, 2023

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
(Sermon Scripture)

What Are You Allowing to Corrode Your Walk with Christ?
Jesus Tells Us How to Walk

  1. Don’t Let Conviction Corrode Your Compassion
  2. Don’t Let Ambition Corrode Your Humility
  3. Don’t Let Busyness Corrode your Priority

Wednesday Bible Study- John 20:18

Trey Graham

April 12, 2023

John 20:18


Easter Celebration - John 20:1-18

Trey Graham

April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday

John 20:1-18

What Will You do with the Empty Tomb?

Proclaim the Risen Christ

  1. Move from Confusion to Clarity
  2. Move from Grief to Grace

How Should Christians Respond to Opposition? -Luke 13:31-35

Trey Graham

April 2, 2023

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Luke 13: 31-35

How Should Christians Respond to Opposition?
We Follow in the Footsteps of Our Savior 

  1. Jesus Accomplishes His Mission
  2. Jesus Extends His Compassion
  3. Jesus Proclaims His Authority

Wednesday Bible Study - Matthew 7: 15-27

Trey Graham

March 29, 2023

Matthew 7: 15-27


Have You Grown Passive in Your Faith?- Luke 13:22-30

Trey Graham

March 26, 2023

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Have You Grown Passive in Your Faith?
Strive to Follow Jesus

  1. Following Jesus is a Difficult Calling
  2. Following Jesus is an Urgent Calling
  3. Following Jesus is a Universal Calling