
Sermon Archive

Do You Understand Who Jesus Is? -Luke 22:66-71

Trey Graham

March 10, 2024

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Luke 22:66-71

Do You Understand Who Jesus Is?
Clarity Leads Us to Worship

  1. Worship Jesus as the Christ
  2. Worship Jesus as the Son of Man
  3. Worship Jesus as the Son of God

Wednesday Bible Study - 1 Peter:2:21-25

Trey Graham

March 6, 2024

1 Peter 2:21-25


Are You a Christian Coward?- Luke 22:54-65

Trey Graham

March 3, 2024

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Luke 22:54-65

Are You a Christian Coward?
Find Confidence in Jesus

  1. Cowardice Leads to Silence
  2. Cowardice Leads to Sorrow
  3. Cowardice Leads to Schism

Are You Really Trusting Jesus? - Luke 22:47-53

Trey Graham

February 25, 2024

Who is Jesus? A Study of the Gospel of Luke
Luke 22:47-53

Are You Really Trusting Jesus?
Jesus is in Control

  1. Consider Your Motivations
  2. Consider Your Actions
  3. Consider Your Perspective

Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly - Wednesday Evening Session

Dr. Bobby Kelly

February 21, 2024

The Blessing of the Kindgom and Righteousness
The Sermon on the Mount


Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly - Tuesday Evening Session

Dr. Bobby Kelly

February 20, 2024

The Blessing of the Kindgom and Righteousness
The Sermon on the Mount


Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly - Monday Evening Session

Dr. Bobby Kelly

February 19, 2024

The Blessing of the Kindgom and Righteousness
The Sermon on the Mount


The Lord's Prayer or Our Prayer? - Matthew 6:5-13 (Dr. Bobby Kelly)

Dr. Bobby Kelly

February 18, 2024

Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly
The Lord's Prayer or Our Prayer?
Matthew 6:5-13

1. Petitions Directed to God and His Glory (6:9-10)

    A. God's Name Be Honored (6:9)
    B. God's Kingdom Come (6:10)
    C. God's Will Be Done (6:10)

2. Petitions Directed to Human Need (6:11-13)

    A. Give Us Our Daily Bread (6:11)
    B. Forgive Us Our Debts (6:12)
    C. Lead Us Away from Vicious Cycles that Result in Sin (6:13)


Winter Bible Study with Dr. Bobby Kelly - Sunday Evening Session

Dr. Bobby Kelly

February 18, 2024

The Blessing of the Kindgom and Righteousness
The Sermon on the Mount


Wednesday Bible Study - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Trey Graham

February 14, 2024

2 Timothy 3:16-17
